You will first need the 6 digit number that identifies the property called the “Folio Real.” Then go to the National Registry's website
- Click on “Bienes Inmuebles” (immovable property, real estate).
- Click on the word “Consultas” (inquiry) on the menu bar at the top.
- Click on “Por Número de Finca o Concesión” (by number of the property concession).
- You then select the name of the Province. 1 - San Jose, 2 - Cartago 3 - Heridia 4 - Guanacaste 5 - Puntarenas 6 - Limon
- Then type the 'Folio' number in the area called “Finca” and click on “Consultar” (get advice).
Also, at the bottom of the screen is the word “Gravemenes” meaning encumbrances. If there are none, then "NO HAY" will show. If otherwise you should then consult an attorney who can perform a more extensive search and explain the facts surrounding the nature of the encumbrance.
Also, by clicking “Historia,” you can learn of the history of property transfers.